Res Gestae of Roman Architecture
Res Gestae of Roman Architecture

During last months I went deep into studying Roman Architecture; following a long time passion for archeology and for everything hiding under the ground from past times. 6 months ago I discovered the "Massive Open Online Courses" and decided to sign for "Roman Architecture by prof. Diana E.E.Kleiner" at Yale.

The MOOC platform it's not like watching a video tutorial, like thousands on the web. It adds the social key factor of learning. It means there are real people, forums, groups exchanging lecture notes, meetups, assignments and expectations. In a global multilingual community formed by students of different ages and every wealth. It's a dream.

The lectures were well done and very interesting, following the entire Roman Imperial history and architecture across the colonies between Spain and Lebanon, Britain and Algiers.

The table here contains all the lecture notes, some extras and personal adds. Entitled to the Augustan "Res Gestae" and printed on a single giant sheet.

Thanks to Diana E.E.Kleiner and the forum community at Coursera.

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